SeeMyDoha 2015
Date | 18/01/2015 - 18/04/2015 |
Time | All Day |
Category | Competition |
Date | 18/01/2015 - 18/04/2015 |
Time | All Day |
Category | Competition |
Rules in short:
Jaidah Group and SeeMyCity are looking for new and inspirational ways of seeing and experiencing Doha, images that reflects Qatar and Doha in a creative, active and original way.
This year there are 3 categories:
Enter the competition by posting your pictures (mobile photography only!) to Instagram and using the hashtag #SeeMyDoha2015 in addition to the individual theme hashtag as listed above. You can submit as many pictures as you want and you can submit to any category throughout the whole duration of the contest.
We will nominate 3 finalists per category each month to compete for the final awards, one award winner per category. All nominated pictures will be exhibited at the SeeMyDoha photo exhibition slated for May 2015. The three award winners will be announced during the opening of the exhibition.