SeeMyLeuven – Mobile Photography Workshop

The SeeMyLeuven mobile photography workshop was arranged in Leuven on Nov. 7th. The event was commissioned by Toerisme Leuven and executed by SeeMyCity ( The event makes part of the SeeMyLeuven project that also includes a mobile photography contest (ending Jan. 7th 2013) and the SeeMyLeuven exhibition in the M Museum Leuven in February – March 2013.

Mobile photography workshop

During the SeeMyCity photography workshops, participants will discover the technical, practical and inspirational aspects of mobile photography. With guidance from the SeeMyCity professional team members, the learnings from the workshop will be directly put into action through a guided photography walk. As a result, the participants will have – regardless of their pre-workshop experience level – a higher level of understanding of mobile photography and deeper appreciation of their own city. The workshops will help to sustain the marketing effect by giving participants the skills and passion to take and share photographs of their city even after the project’s end. To see images from and read about our first photo workshop, part of the SeeMyAlmere project, see this article; SeeMyCity takes on Almere. Above you see a video of our workshop in Leuven which gives you an idea of how it is arranged and done.

Photo competitions

We arrange photo competitions to motivate citizens and visitors to get out and explore their city. This is a very effective way to motivate and inspire. We use Instagram as our main platform for our contests, where participants very easily can use hashtags to submit their pictures and share their findings with Instagrammers around the world. See our ongoing projects for more info about our current contests.

Photo exhibitions

Towards the end of a SeeMyCity project, we aim to set up a photo exhibition. The images we exhibit are taken for and during the project, and are normally taken by the SeeMyCity photographers as well as by the participants of our workshop(s) and/or the photo competition. Through our images we want to inspire others and show how to capture the city easily, creatively and beautifully, simply by using a mobile phone. By including artwork from the citizens or visitors of the city in the exhibition, we motivate the “man on the street” to participate in our projects.

Marketing & Media exposure

Our main method of marketing a project city is leveraging powerful social media like Instagram, Facebook and twitter. Our biggest influence will be through Instagram, where the SeeMyCity members have a total of over 350 000 followers from all over the world. Instagram is a fantastic medium for visualizing and marketing any object/subject, and there is a lot of interest especially for city/travel photography. We also aim to get as much printed media coverage as possible. Our projects so far have shown that there is a lot of media interest in the SeeMyCity concept. See our media coverage.


We offer one-on-one or group based consultancy within our fields of expertise. A popular and crucial consultancy session is called “Optimize your Instagram”, where we teach you the ins and outs of the Instagram (and the connecting social media) world. We can also offer mobile photography or specialized iPhoneography sessions.

View our projects or get in touch