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Welcome our newest member

October 7, 2013 0 comment(s)

SeeMyCity is happy to welcome our newest member Tim Hatton aka @the_hat_  on Instagram

Tim doesn’t wear any hats, but is an art teacher and freelance photographer from the UK. Tim spent a year living in Doha, Qatar and is the Instagram moderator for SeeMyCity’s @SeeMyDoha project.

We are very happy and honored to have Tim working for and with us and you can now look forward to seeing his minimalistic and eye catching pictures here on our feed as well:)

Welcome to SeeMyCity, Tim!!

About the author

Marianne Hope

Norwegian photographer and traveler living in the Netherlands. Founder and manager of SeeMyCity and owner of picturely.spoken.



About SeeMyCity

SeeMyCity is a Dutch city marketing project based on advanced and creative mobile photography and social media. Our goal is to show and market cities through unique and contemporary mobile photography. Learn more about us.

SeeMyDoha 2015