By encouraging locals and residents to take notice of the beauty and aesthetics of their own city, the pictures taken and shared by them become efficient and powerful marketing tools. The marketing effect will continue long after the project has ended, as participants continue to take pictures and share them on social media. All SeeMyCity projects have been shown to have that effect. Also, the quality of the photos taken has improved noticeably after participants have attended our workshops.
Per Jan. 2017 SeeMyCity consists of founder and manager Marianne Hope, founding member Dirk Bakker and Jeroen Moor . See our members page to know more about the people behind the initiative.
We arrange photo walks, workshops and mobile photo contests. The projects can be concluded with an exhibition, showing the city by mobile photography. We market the cities/projects through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and through as much press coverage as possible. We also offer consulting within our fields of expertise, such as the optimal use of Instagram, mobile photography or photography in general. Our work and scope of events will be tailored to your needs and requirements. See our Services section for more information.
© 2025 SeeMyCity. See terms and conditions.