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Coming soon: SeeMyDoha 2015

November 24, 2014 0 comment(s)

We are excited to be preparing for next year’s round of SeeMyDoha. Two of our photographers, Nicolee Drake and Marianne Hope visited Doha for a few days to plan and photograph the city.

The project is planned to begin in January 2015 and will kick off with a SeeMyCity workshop in Doha. Stay tuned for more information, but in the meantime you can check out this little story that Marianne made about some of her favorite places to explore in Doha. Click on the picture below to see the whole story:

About the author

Marianne Hope

Norwegian photographer and traveler living in the Netherlands. Founder and manager of SeeMyCity and owner of picturely.spoken.



About SeeMyCity

SeeMyCity is a Dutch city marketing project based on advanced and creative mobile photography and social media. Our goal is to show and market cities through unique and contemporary mobile photography. Learn more about us.

SeeMyDoha 2015