Finalists of SeeMyDoha 2015 – round 1 and 2

After the 2 first rounds of picking finalists of the SeeMyDoha 2015 contest, we had to disqualify no less than 7 participants for submitting non mobile pictures for the contest. The mobile aspect of a SeeMyCity project is very fundamental and at the very base of our concept, as well as widely announced in all channels concerning the contest/project, so we are very strict when accepting pictures for our exhibition, no exceptions are made and only verified mobile pictures will be allowed to enter/participate. These are the 11 verified finalists of the first 2 rounds of the contest that will be seen at the exhibition opening on May 27th 2015. The runner ups from the first to voting rounds are announced on our IG channel and will be shown in the finalist gallery once they are verified.
A big congrats to these 11 finalists who will all have their picture participating in the exhibition opening May 27th 2015 and are also in for a chance to win the top prize of their category.
The verified finalists of round one and two are (you can see all finalist pictures in large format in our finalist gallery):
Stay tuned for the 3rd and last finalist announcement with the last 9 finalists tomorrow.