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Merry Xmas – give away!!

December 21, 2013 0 comment(s)

SeeMyCity is taking a holiday break, but while we’re away enjoying time with our families and friends, we have a cute present for two lucky followers:


1 Projector unit and 1 35mm wheel of your favorite images at a value of $34.98, shipping is included and available worldwide.

-> Projecteo is a mini Instagram projector. Read more about it on their site.


  1. Go to our Instagram account and our post about the Projecteo
  2. leave a comment (on the instagram post) and tag 3 friends
  3. ends January 3rd 2014

We hope you have a great holiday, wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


About the author

Marianne Hope

Norwegian photographer and traveler living in the Netherlands. Founder and manager of SeeMyCity and owner of picturely.spoken.



About SeeMyCity

SeeMyCity is a Dutch city marketing project based on advanced and creative mobile photography and social media. Our goal is to show and market cities through unique and contemporary mobile photography. Learn more about us.

SeeMyDoha 2015