More images for the SeeMyDoha exhibition!!
We are happy to announce that we are including more pictures than originally planned from the #seemydoha tag in the SeeMyDoha exhibition!!!
The SeeMyDoha mobile photography exhibition will take place in Katara, building 5 from January 27th to February 1st 2014. More information about the opening on the 27th will follow, so stay tuned.
If one of the pictures shown in the 2 collages in this post is yours and you want the picture to be printed and part of the exhibition, follow the instructions below.
Send an email to Carine Alhani at Jaidah Group with the following information:
- highest possible resolution version of the image (the best quality you can find), edited as you would want it to be printed (size 30×30 cm)
- the original picture for verification that the picture is taken with a mobile device (only mobile device pics are accepted)
- title of image
- full name, instagram name and contact information
- by Dec. 30st 2013 at the latest
If you fail to deliver as mentioned above by the set deadline, your picture will not be included. Any questions you might have can be directed at Carine Alhani)
A big congrats to all photographers and thank you for submitting your amazing pictures to the contest/project. And don’t forget to share this post with your friends. You have reason to be proud!!
Photographers features are: