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See Nicanor’s City – Barcelona

July 2, 2014 0 comment(s)

We’re honoured to present the next photographer in our “SeeTheirCity” series – Nicanor García or  @NicanorGarcia on Instagram. Nicanor is an architect and architectural photographer from Barcelona. As a teacher of architectural design he spends a lot of time thinking about every aspect of the subject. He is particularly interested in seeing how a building creates a relationship with its environment, not only in terms of the building’s physical location, but also in how it is used by people; how the meaning of architecture can be defined through a building’s use and purpose.

1. Featured picture

Nicanor’s chosen photo shows one of the icons of Barcelona – Montjuic Communications Tower. He likes how the elements of the tower are silhouetted against the sky, and how the sky (a shade of blue very common in Barcelona) plays with the details of the square.

2. Style

We asked Nicanor to pick one of each opposite listed below that describes his style best.  His choices are highlighted:

  1. Spontaneous or Planner
  2. Lone shooter or Social shooter
  3. Colours or Black & White
  4. Gadgets or Simply mobile phone
  5. iOS or Android
  6. Innovative or Traditional
  7. Edit or No edit
  8. Filter or No Filter
  9. People (in pictures) or No People

3. Nicanor’s top 3 reasons to visit Barcelona:

  1. The diversity of its architecture
  2. The culture
  3. The food

 4. Nicanor’s best “secret” hot spots to visit in Barcelona:

1) Plaça de Sant Felip Neri: Walking through the streets of the old town is always relaxing and brings to mind the history of the city. The Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is a particularly quiet and pleasant place to visit.

2) Botanical Garden: Located on the mountain of Montjuic, the Botanical Garden is a must-see because of its contemporary architecture as well as its botanical content. It’s interesting to see the Garden in its relationship to the mountain itself. It also has some great views of the city.

3) Hospital de Sant Pau: In Barcelona everyone knows Gaudi’s work, but there are other Modernist buildings worth checking out. The Hospital de Sant Pau is a hospital complex designed by Lluís Domenech I Muntaner between 1902-1930 that has been recently restored. It’s a small Modernist city within Barcelona.

5. Nicanor’s suggestion for a future SeeMyCity project: New York

Nicanor thinks quality and quantity of architecture in the city is amazing. He also loves the cultural diversity and different environments that make up the city.

6. Nicanor’s app recommendation:

I love VSCO cam to edit colours and tones, and also SKRWT to take care of geometry.

7. Nicanor’s top 3 recommendations of other Barcelona Instagrammers to follow:

  1. @miskou
  2. @hectormilla
  3. @aenede

Here are some of Nicanor’s pictures of Barcelona:

Nicanorgarcia lookup     nicanorgarcia skyline

nicanorgarcia tower     nicanorgarcia windows

Many thanks to Nicanor for the interview and for inspiring us with his amazing images. Check back in a month’s time to find out what city and photographer we will see next.

About the author

Marianne Hope

Norwegian photographer and traveler living in the Netherlands. Founder and manager of SeeMyCity and owner of picturely.spoken.



About SeeMyCity

SeeMyCity is a Dutch city marketing project based on advanced and creative mobile photography and social media. Our goal is to show and market cities through unique and contemporary mobile photography. Learn more about us.

SeeMyDoha 2015